Friday, January 8, 2010

What brush should I use for my heavy shedding puppy?

I have a 6 month old german shepherd/husky/lab mix and she sheds like CRAZY. There is always hair everywhere.

What kind of brush should I use for her to reduce the shedding? How many times should I brush her a week and for how long? She hates being brushed to so its kind of hard to get her to stay still.What brush should I use for my heavy shedding puppy?
brush her every day and get a medal brushWhat brush should I use for my heavy shedding puppy?
I used to have a GSD mix who shed like crazy too. I brushed her every day or two, outside. I used a Zoom Groom with a back-and-forth scrubbing motion to loosen things up, and then a Furminator to strip out the loose undercoat, and then a slicker brush to finish things off. The Zoom Groom is great at bath time too - put on the shampoo and use the Zoom Groom to scrub it in. My dog loved that part of the bath.

Use lots of praise and treats to get your puppy happy about being brushed, and just do very short brushing sessions at first.
The best brush is the FURminator. It's like a shaver so don't brush too hard or too frequently but boy does it work.
I use a rake on my malamute. Just yahoo or google search Pet Rake. It rakes out the undercoat.

Also, a Furminator is a great one too.

So, she's still a puppy so you have plenty of time to condition her to enjoy grooming. Dont force her into a bathroom or outside, dont hold her down.... let her sniff the brush/rake before you begin, keep plenty of treats in your pocket, and start gently, just running the brush over her... dont even dig it in yet. Soon enough she'll be used to the feeling and you can begin to use the brushes/furminator/rakes on her and she'll have no problems with it. Put in the effort now, or you risk having a good sized, high energy dog who hates grooming.... which is no good!
If she's so little, you might be good with a slicker brush. That's what I've been using on my 4 month old husky pup =]

As she gets older though, you'll probably need a shedding blade or undercoat rake. I've used both on my 7 year old GSD/husky mix and I personally like the undercoat rake best. I got it for $2.50 at walmart and it works wonderfully, pulling up all the loose fur from the bottom coat and top coat. Then I follow up with a slicker brush to get everything left behind and it looks like its snowed in my back yard because of all the fur xD The only drawback is that I can't really use it on my puppy because her fur isn't quite as thick yet, so you might be stuck with just a slicker until the full coat comes in.

As she gets older, she'll hate the brush less and less, especially if you involve good things with it, like treats for holding still and such.

Usually what I do is I brush until the brush comes off clean. With the rake, that's usually about an hour two or three times a week when he's blowing his coat, and almost never otherwise. With the slicker brush on my puppy though, it only takes a few minutes because she isn't shedding in gobs yet, but you could still try for 2-3 times a week.
use a wire brush. its made for matted hair and shedding.
Invest in a Furminator. I have it and it works wonders! It is designed to get deep down to the under coat, as well as the top coat. I recommend brushing daily for as long as she will allow. She will get used to it, trust me. I always brush my cat first because my dog is always following me around and waiting his turn, he used to hate being brushed! You can also get a shampoo designed to help with shedding, and bathe about once a month with that shampoo, it helps a lot! Good luck!

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