Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How did you manage to brush your teeth and eat right after your wisdom teeth got taken out?

What did the dentist say right after? Can you infect it easily? I might have mine removed soon. Just want to know others' experiences. Thanks!How did you manage to brush your teeth and eat right after your wisdom teeth got taken out?
The dentist will give you a written sheet of instructions about how to care for your teeth after the wisdom teeth are extracted. You be careful to stay away from the empty sockets for a couple of days while the healing takes place, You may rinse around the extraction sites with simple salt water slightly warmed. Use a soft-bristle toothbrush for the remaining teeth as well as floss. Some traces of bleeding may appear for a day or two, but likely won't get infected, even though there will be tenderness. As you eat, you'll try your best to avoid chewing anywhere near the sore site and cut your food up into smaller pieces to reduce the amount of chewing near the extraction site.How did you manage to brush your teeth and eat right after your wisdom teeth got taken out?
In all likelihood, you will be given some general info, but no how-tos.

So here's mine ;)

How to brush your teeth: use two brushes. One is your regular brushes for your teeth and a special one for your surgical site. It's called a post-surgical toothbrush (google it). You will use salt and water as a mouthwash. Floss your other teeth as usual.

How to eat: you need proteins and calcium to recover. So eat a lot of dairy (milk, yogurt, icecream), broth, soy products, and blended grilled chicken. Stay away from fruit juice till you are in day 5 when you can start using a straw (fruit juices have acid and that won't help with the healing but you do need vitaimin C for healing, so start pumping orange juice when the risk for dry sockets subsides).

Infect easily: yes, as long as you have the stitches. You will be put on antibiotics for 10 days, afterwards your stitches will be removed.

Don't worry about the rest and good luck.
The oral surgeon will give a book, and a few sheets on how to care for your mouth. You'll be very tired so they will ask you to bring someone, probably your parent. The first day my mom got me a milkshake and I could barely drink it and it was basically tasteless! It will be very hard to eat for a few days maybe almost a week. All I ate were mashed potatoes, soup, mac and cheece and other soft things. Brush your teeth gently and you may rinse your mouth with salt water, but do not swish! Be careful by not smoking or using a straw- that's how you can get an infection.

Good luck! : )
I have had all four wisdom teeth taken out, and they say soft food or liquid is the best for the first 24 to 48 hours. It just depends if they are pulled right out or if they are extracted when you are put asleep. But it is easy and to so bad.

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