Sunday, December 27, 2009

What type is the best paint brush to use for Ceramics Glaze OR Acrylic Paints?

Particularly underglaze? I need to go out and buy some tomorrow, and I figured I'd ask first. I'm looking for a brush that leaves minimal bristle strokes.What type is the best paint brush to use for Ceramics Glaze OR Acrylic Paints?
Definately go for a synthetic nylon brush for acrylic paint. They produce minimal brush strokes, and little to no bristles will fall out. Tip: Never use sable or squirrel hair brushes with acrylic paint, they gunk up and ruin them, (plus they tend to be a little pricey-er and te last thing you want is to ruin a great brush)

Ceramic glaze, i think a sythetic nylon brush would be fine, but you'd jus have to wash is really well after, or get a cheapy one and throw it out after.What type is the best paint brush to use for Ceramics Glaze OR Acrylic Paints?
I've used acrylic before, and glazed ceramics back in high school. If you want something with little bristle strokes, try a soft hair brush like squirrel or whatever else they have now. Maybe a synthetic sable. The quality and shape depend on how you'll use and care for them.

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