Wednesday, December 23, 2009

How to brush the teeth of an unwilling toddler?

My 21 month-old daughter will not allow me to brush her teeth. I've tried getting her to do it herself, but all she does is lick off the training toothpaste. Any attempt I make to brush is met by clamped jaws, a turned head and a full-blown fit. I've tried using a colorful character electric toothbrush. Anyone else had this problem and solved it?How to brush the teeth of an unwilling toddler?
I know where you're coming from. My son never wanted me to brush his teeth until a year ago, and it was a power struggle every time. He's now 4 and a half already, and it's been working great with our new method: We have a whole collection of different toothbrushes and toothpaste tubes (Wall-E, Sponge Bob, Diego, Thomas the Train...), on the bathroom sink, and depending on his mood, he picks a different toothbrush and a different toothpaste every time,and the fact that he can choose gives him the impression that he's controlling the situation. So instead of saying ';Come on! Let's brush your teeth now.';, I ask him what toothbrush and what toothpaste he wants to use to brush his teeth, and he's happy to have a chance to decide, although I am actually in control of the situation, not him.

Also, he saw a cartoon not a long time ago where the bacteria that live in the mouth have been personified, and after he saw it, he was so afraid to have these little bugs digging holes in his teeth that he got up and wanted me to brush his teeth right away. For now, your daughter is a little too young to get that but I'm sure that she will at least enjoy the chance to pick her own toothbrush and toothpaste every time.How to brush the teeth of an unwilling toddler?
I've had the same problem with my son at that age (now 2.5 yrs). I used to have to literally hold him down to get it done - what a disaster! Then I tried a silicone toothbrush that fit over my finger tip because he would let me put my finger in his mouth - but the actual toothbrush was pretty useless.

Then I went to using a damp washcloth wrapped around my finger - that worked great! If all else fails, try this option.

Here's my best solution... Now, I am able to brush his teeth with a toothbrush as long as he has one too. So we both brush his teeth at the same time (he does the bottom, I do the top and then we switch). He has two different characters on the toothbrushes and he gets to pick which one he wants to use and which one I will use. I find that the more control he feels he has over it, the easier it goes.

One more thing - I've read on Baby Center (I think) that you shouldn't let your child brush their own teeth until they are able to write (as in handwriting not printing) their name. Before that, they don't have the dexterity to do a good enough job.

Good luck!
dont use the electric brushes, since she is so young the pulsation's might be hurting her. get her a good ol' manual tooth brush.

Have her in the bathroom as you get ready in the morning, most little girls want to be JUST LIKE MOM - so if you two brush your teeth together she'll be more apt to try it correctly

Also- try a reward chart, a sticker every time she brushes her teeth give her a sticker or a positive reward.

She's still young and has time to learn, so dont stress too much... but do keep trying !

Best of luck !
If this is the first time, it will be painful for the first week or so but she will get used to it. I began brushing my son's teeth early as he got all of his 16 teeth by the time he was one. However, a interstate move from NC to TX took us out of our routine and I stopped a couple months thinking it wouldn't hurt. When we finally settled down in TX and started to brush his teeth again it was he** for the 1st couple of weeks but then he just got used to it.
I would try to put food coloring on the toothpaste.

You can dump the tooth paste in a little container and do it, or you can buy colored toothpaste. You can let her go pick out some at the store with you. They make kinds with barbie and things like that on the wrapper/cover.
yes... i just left her to her own devices... made sure there was nothing else in the bathroom she could reach to play with except her toothbrush. nothing to distract her.

I brushed mine next to her,and sung a song about it too.

But didnt force the issue at all.. after a week or so, she started doing i too. :)
take her to the store and let her buy a tooth brush and some tooth paste that she wants. Also maybe try a rewards chart, for every time she brushes her teeth she can put a sticker on it, when she gets a certain amount she can get a special toy, treat, or she can go somewhere fun!
you brush in front of her and show her because mine daughter is of same age and i am trying to teach her like that and she is learning
Waiting for your answers cus I am having the same problem!

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