Sunday, December 27, 2009

How do I clean my grill brush?

It's the metal bristle type. You guys know the problem: it's greasy, sticky and black!How do I clean my grill brush?
Don't hassle with cleaning it. Go to Walmart and buy a new one. They are like 99 cents. Much easier. But if you must clean it, soak it in ammonia, in an old plastic container.

The grease will roll away. Then rinse really, really well.How do I clean my grill brush?
dog, if yo grill is that funky that yo grill brush needs cleanin, then you best get yoself a new grill, homey!
You can soak the brush in some commercial strength grease dissolver or save money and time and buy a new brush.
In the US we have a great product on the market called geased lightning great for grill grate too

spray on generously let sit for about 15 min then rinse well with hot water

best time to clean grill grate is when it's hot either prior to using after coals are hot or 20 min after cooking

you want to essentially ';burn off'; any residue or food particles and then use brush to basically knock off charred residue and food particles so they should be like char dust and you should never use water or wet applications when doing this that ';gunks'; up grate %26amp; brush

you can also use oven cleaner, or if you want to go real cheap

boil a 1/2 pot( about 4 c) of water after it reaches boil take off heat put brush end in water hopefully it will be completly submerged add 1 cup baking soda and 1 cup vinegar it will bubble overlet soak about 20 min and then while rinsing run an old fork through the bristles(this method is cheap but is kinda messy and then you have to deal w/greasy residue in the pot, which can be washed out fairly simple w/a scouring pad and some liquid dish detergent but it is MESSY)
i quirt dawn dish soap on it then hose it
when you are done grillin... leave the heat turned up for about 5 - 6 minutes and then clean the grill that way most of the crud will be burned off first.

or try waiting until it is worn out and get a new one..

If it has a metal handle, stick the bristles inside the grill while it's fired up with a piece of tin foil shiney side down for about 5-7 minutes. This will help burn the big stuff off, but don't do it too long. It also helps clean the grill. The foil reflects the heat down and can damage the grill if exposed too long.

Dishwashers work wonders too, but the brushes are pretty cheap. I usually just buy a new one.

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