Sunday, December 27, 2009

How often do you brush your infant's teeth and what brush and paste do you use?

My 6 month old has 4 teeth and 2 more coming in. They came in when he was 5 months old.

I was brushing his teeth once per day, at night before bed.

I was thinking I need to start doing it after every bottle or meal.

I was using a finger brush but am now going to have to get a regular brush because he's been trying to bite my finger really hard while I use the finger brush.

How often do you brush your baby's teeth? How old are they? And what kind of brush and paste do you use?How often do you brush your infant's teeth and what brush and paste do you use?
For my 6 month old, I brush once a day at bedtime as he's only having one solid food meal a day for dinner. No toothpaste yet. Just a colgate toothbrush from the supermarket. It cracks him up for some reason, I think he likes how the brush feels on his gums, lol :)How often do you brush your infant's teeth and what brush and paste do you use?
I have a little finger brush with some gerber (I think?) toothpaste and I've been getting bit a lot too...ugh, hah. I need a soft bristled something or other. I saw that they made silicone bristled small toothbrushes so they can hold on to it -- they have them at babies r us.

anyways, I do it in the morning and at night, when I do mine. we're around each other all day, so he is with me in the bathroom and I just made it part of our routine. he's 8 months old and he has 8 teeth and 3 more on the way.
We brushed once a day at that age, just once before bed. I used CVS pharmacy brand because of the flavor.

Now at 22 months old we use a toddler size Dora brush with Dora paste. It is the kind you have to spit out though, but what toddler doesn't enjoy spitting without getting in trouble?
well, when my stanka was old enough to hold the toothbrush and imitate me I started putting colgate jr on her tooth brush

She always had her own toothbrush though that she could brush at her teeth with while I was doin mine.

She brushes her teeth everyday with me now but she's also 17 months now.

I didn't start putting toothpaste on it until she was like a year though
I brush his teeth in the morning and at night with an infant toothbrush. Just get one that's small enough for his mouth, and make sure it has soft bristles.

I don't use any toothpaste (he can't spit), just water. My son is 11 months old and has two teeth.
We brush his teeth in the morning and before bed. He's 14 months. We use the stages toothbrush and paste from Target. The toothpaste is an infant one so it's ok if they swallow it.
Every night thoroughly and briefly at midday. I use an infant toothbrush and infant toothpaste. Try Toys 'R' Us. They don't only sell toys there.
We have a super-soft bristled toothbrush specifically for infants. It's little and fat so perfect for her to hold, I think it's made by Colgate.

I run it across her teeth every time I brush mine (so, 2-3 times a day) then I let her chew on it for the 2 minutes or so it takes me to brush my teeth. She loves it because it makes her feel like a part of something and it's to my advantage since she should grow up knowing it's normal and I shouldn't have too many wars over it.

We don't use any toothpaste, just warm water for her. I don't think the use of a toothpaste is really necessary at this point and won't be for a while yet.

She's 7 1/2 months and has 6 teeth with 2 more on the way.
Many companies make infant brushes. I know the Butler G.U.M company makes one with an extended handle to make it easier on parents. As for paste...its not even necessary to use paste at such a young age. Its the action of brushing that is important, not the paste. If you want to use a paste then just check stores in your area for pastes acceptable for use on infants. As for how often...twive a day is good. In the morning and before bed. Just be sure to never put your baby to bed with a bottle (unless its just water) and also remember you child will need your help brushing until they reach the age of about 9 or 10. Alot of parents let young children brush their own teeth which is why so many end up with cavities.

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