Friday, January 8, 2010

What is the proper number of times to brush your teeth every day?

I hear so many different answers too this question all the time.

How many times a day should you brush your teeth? Everyone always says either 2 or they say 3. Some say 2 - 3.

So make up your mind people which is it?

Right now I brush before I head out in the morning and before I go too bed.

How often do you guys brush out there?What is the proper number of times to brush your teeth every day?
you should brush at least 2 times a day. the bacterial plaque biofilm on your teeth needs to be dusrupted once every 12 hours to help prevent gingivitis and the formation of calculus (tartar) on the teeth. brushing an extra time in the day will not hurt, but its not necessary. once in the morning and once at night is fine. and be sure to floss at least once a day too.

when it comes to brushing, its not the quantity, its the quality. its better to have one good brush during the day then 2 crappy ones. next time you go to the dentist for a cleaning, ask your hygienist to show you the prober brushing techniques. most people do not know how to brush properly (no cavities doesnt mean your brushing properly...75% of adults have gingivitis)What is the proper number of times to brush your teeth every day?
My dentist has told me to brush twice a day for a minimum of two minutes.
My cousin is a dental hygenist and she says 3 times a day in the am after work vand at bed time also need to floss ur vteeth 2 times a day so it will prevent gum disease! Flossing is more important than brushing
u do it 3 times a day

for 2 mins
Its best to brush your teeth after every meal...or every time you that would, for most people be about 3 times a day. Otherwise your lunch sits on your teeth, slowly decaying. Its still good and the minimum to brush twice...once in morning after breakfast and once in the evening, after the last time you eat, before you to bed. I brush twice since I don't like to brush at work. My dentist seems to focus more on flossing (once a day) and gums than brushing and teeth though
My mother told me that I am going to brush my teeth 2 times for 5 minutes.........

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